Saturday, October 11, 2008

Poem: Stranger In My Blood

(The following poem is kind of an ode to John Carpenter's "The Thing", told from the perspective of someone who's been infected by the alien. Hope you like it.)

There's a stranger in my blood
It eats me up like worms in mud
And as tumescent flower bud
It blooms to metastasis

In time, my self will be no more
Subsumed by plastic carnivore
And all whom I have loved before
Shall flee with stricken faces

I feel its strength begin to swell
As tendrils pierce me, cell by cell
I'm sinking in the swamp of Hell
Where many more shall follow

We woke a sleeping God, you see
To sate our curiosity
And now its tentacles we'll be
All lined with teeth and hollow

No kinder fate awaits, I know
Our lives are but a candle's glow
Assailed from all sides by a flow
Of endless pain and violence

So as my flesh strains to distend
To tortured maws, I beg you, end
Your life while it is yours to send
To sweet eternal silence

will i ever even die


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